Why does Main Street need a voice as a Super PAC? Increasing economic disparity is why we represent the 99%. Economic interests out of your purview continue to drive growth by increasing money supply. What does this mean? The Federal Reserve, Banks and Government (Your Representatives) create activity to keep confidence high while the majority of the population is not represented for these decisions. Since the middle class is not well versed in global finance and economics most decisions do not improve individual wealth and wage growth. View our FOUNDERS LETTER and support us with a DONATION We are a PAC for Mr. and Mrs. Main Street to finance independent… Read More
The Economy Added 200,000 Jobs in January as Tax Cuts Begin to Lift Economy
The Economy Added 200,000 Jobs in January as Tax Cuts Begin to Lift Economy The economy added 200,000 jobs in January, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 4.1 percent for the 4th consecutive quarter according to a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report released February 2, 2018 titled, “The Employment Situation—January 2018.” The report went further to indicate that employment in construction, food services and drinking places, health care, and manufacturing continued to trend upwards. “When we began our push for tax cuts, I promised that our bill would result in more jobs, higher wages, and tremendous relief for middle-class families, and that is exactly what we have delivered,”… Read More
Administration is Working on a Plan to Rebuild Country’s Crumbling Infrastructure
The U.S. Department of Transportation indicated in a 2016 release of road and bridge data that 1,513 of the 13,137 bridges in Minnesota are considered structurally deficient or obsolete, while 52% of the state’s roadways are in poor or mediocre condition.