Daily Round Up: Monday, February 26, 2018
7 things you need to know for Monday February 26, 2018: Texas Gov. says GOP needs to show “tone of respect” to Hispanics; The DNC argues that “Primary Rigging” is 1st Amendment right; Trump takes on the NRA; Feinstein misses out on endorsement at California convention; Border wall prototypes ready for Presidential inspection; A look at FISA Warrants; and something to make you smile. Follow us on facebook and Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news and information you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.
- THE HILL – Texas governor: GOP needs ‘tone of respect’ toward Hispanics: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) says the Republican Party can win over Hispanic voters, even on immigration enforcement, if only they would approach the country’s fastest-growing minority group with a tone that differs from President Trump’s. – http://bit.ly/2Co9C3d.
- ZeroHedge – Lawyers For The DNC Argue That ‘Primary Rigging’ Is Protected By The First Amendment: The ongoing litigation of the DNC Fraud Lawsuit and the appeal regarding its dismissal took a stunning turn yesterday. The defendants in the case, including the DNC and former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, filed a response brief that left many observers of the case at a loss for words. – http://bit.ly/2ClJrKr.
- theblaze – Trump prepared to fight the NRA after deadly Florida school shooting: Bump stocks are ‘gone’: President Donald Trump, after days of back and forth with the National Rifle Association, said Monday he’s prepared to fight the gun rights group over his preferred gun safety principles if necessary. – http://bit.ly/2EVO8ww.
- Washington Examiner – Democratic divisions flare as Dianne Feinstein fails to secure party endorsement at California convention: As divisions flared at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday, Democratic activists in California issued a surprising rebuke of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a longtime fixture of both their state and their party. – http://washex.am/2GMHjKb.
- Newsmax – WashPost: Trump to Visit California in March to See Wall Prototypes: President Donald Trump will travel to California next month to attend a fundraiser in Los Angeles and visit the Mexican border to check out border wall prototypes, according to a new report. – http://nws.mx/2F8vCjK.
- National Review – A Foreign Power’s Recruitment Effort Is Not a Basis for a FISA Court Warrant: My column that posted last night is an in-depth analysis of the Schiff memo, the response of House Intelligence Committee Democrats to the Nunes memo published by committee Republicans. – http://bit.ly/2sYb2Oa.
- Conservative Political Cartoons – http://bit.ly/2HNt3Sz.