Daily News Brief: Friday March 16, 2018
8 things you need to know for Friday March 16, 2018. Follow us on facebook and Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news and information you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.
National News Round Up:
- THE HILL – Republicans insist tax law will help in midterms: Republicans are brushing off questions about their plan to run on tax cuts in November after the issue failed to gain traction in the Pennsylvania special election…. – http://bit.ly/2tPI6bi.
- The White House – Determining Trade Balances: Measurement of trade flows is usually an uncontroversial topic relegated to macroeconomic classrooms and government technocrats. Recent debates about trade policy have brought the topic out of the shadows, and we hope to clarify how economists measure trade. – http://bit.ly/2HC4s2b.
- POWERLINE – SCOTT PRUITT FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL? LET’S HOPE NOT: Within limits, personnel churn in an administration has advantages. Removing poor performers or folks who resist the president’s agenda seems like a no-brainer. – http://bit.ly/2u2dhR9.
- The Daily Caller – Exclusive: GOP Leadership Is Going To Fund Sanctuary Cities: Republican leadership is going to fund sanctuary cities in the must-pass spending bill next week, giving Democrats a huge victory while simultaneously undercutting conservatives who put them in power, a senior GOP aide told The Daily Caller News Foundation. – http://bit.ly/2GzjBC7.
- ZeroHedge – Ex-FBI Asst. Director Says Upcoming Inspector General Report Is “Pure TNT”: ormer FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker said today that a highly anticipated report from the DOJ’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz will contain “some pure TNT.” – http://bit.ly/2IxqqEC.
- CENTER OF THE AMERICAN EXPERIMENT – It wasn’t luck that made Ireland’s Celtic Tiger roar: Ireland, from poorest of the rich to the Celtic Tiger – http://bit.ly/2pidrir.
- FOX NEWS – Strzok-Page texts reveal personal relationship between FBI official and judge recused from Flynn case: The federal judge who presided over former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s case last year before mysteriously being recused had a personal relationship with anti-Trump FBI official Peter Strzok, according to text messages obtained and reviewed by Fox News. – http://fxn.ws/2pkhAlb.
- Conservative Political Cartoons: http://bit.ly/2piFoGN.