Daily News Brief: Monday March 12, 2018
8 things you need to know for Monday March 12, 2018. Follow us on facebook and Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news and information you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.
National News Round Up:
- THE HILL – White House announces Trump trip to Peru, Colombia: President Trump will make his first trip to Latin America as president next month, the White House announced Monday. – http://bit.ly/2p7NbqP.
- FOX NEWS – Facts first: CNN has neglected its ‘Trump Jobs Tracker’ amid significant growth: CNN continues to push its fruit-themed “Facts First” ad campaign, but the liberal news network hasn’t updated its “Trump Jobs Tracker” in months, despite an explosion in employment. – http://fxn.ws/2tNQ6dd.
- The White House – President Donald J. Trump is Taking Immediate Actions to Secure Our Schools: HARDENING OUR SCHOOLS: President Donald J. Trump is making sure our schools are safe and secure, just like our airports, stadiums, and government buildings. – http://bit.ly/2InHPQ3.
- alphanews – Republican Jewish Coalition Calls for Ellison to Resign Over Farrakhan Ties: The Republican Jewish Coalition says “nothing short of resignation” should be accepted from seven Democrats, most notably Rep. Keith Ellison, with known ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. – http://bit.ly/2GlZWWi.
- CENTER OF THE AMERICAN EXPERIMENT – BNSF Steps Up Investment: $810 Million To Get Minnesota’s Products to World Markets: keep an eye on what railroads are doing because of the Center’s effort to stop boondoggles like Southwest and Bottineau LRT, two projects that the Met Council claims will boost the economy. – http://bit.ly/2HuzSHH.
- POWERLINE – DAVID FRIEDMAN REFLECTS: US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman also spoke at the AIPAC policy conference last week. – http://bit.ly/2GkrE5D.
- The Daily Caller – Tim Scott: ‘Painful To Watch’ Democrats Block Fix NICS Act: Tim Scott told the “Fox & Friends” crew on Monday that it’s “painful” to watch Senate Democrats delay passing legislation, like the “Fix NICS” Act, that will not only make schools safer but could have prevented mass shootings like the one in Charleston, South Carolina. – http://bit.ly/2FvmXZw.
Conservative Political Cartoons http://bit.ly/2FznEkE.